Curved glass carafe 750ml
Present wine and spirits elegantly with this glass decanter from Olympia. Made with mouth-blown glass, the decanter has a unique, curved shape - giving a high-end presentation to your wines and liquors.
And, the wide rim opening ensures easy pouring of liquid - in and out, speeding up serving and refilling.
To top it off, the curved glass has a flat bottom which allows it to sit steadily on any surface. This helps to avoid accidental spills and smashes.
Present wine and spirits elegantly with this glass decanter from Olympia. Made with mouth-blown glass, the decanter has a unique, curved shape - giving a high-end presentation to your wines and liquors.
And, the wide rim opening ensures easy pouring of liquid - in and out, speeding up serving and refilling.
To top it off, the curved glass has a flat bottom which allows it to sit steadily on any surface. This helps to avoid accidental spills and smashes.
Present wine and spirits elegantly with this glass decanter from Olympia. Made with mouth-blown glass, the decanter has a unique, curved shape - giving a high-end presentation to your wines and liquors.
And, the wide rim opening ensures easy pouring of liquid - in and out, speeding up serving and refilling.
To top it off, the curved glass has a flat bottom which allows it to sit steadily on any surface. This helps to avoid accidental spills and smashes.
Capacity26½oz / 750ml
Dimensions225(H) x 200(Ø)mm
Mouth blown for elegant presentation.
Long neck is easy to hold
Suitable for microwave use
Wide rim for easy pouring
Flat bottom to sit steadily on any surface
Unique design offers a modern way to serve wine and spirits